The CTM Project has been implemented by Kiota Women Health and Development (KIWOHEDE) in partnership with Terre des Hommes Netherlands (TdH-NL) in Ukerewe district, Mwanza region for the duration of 13 months (August 2019 to August 2020). The project aims to reduce child trafficking (CT) for domestic labour and all sort of violence, abuses and exploitation to children in Ukerewe district.

The implementation of the project covers 8wards including Bwisya, Bukungu, Nansio, Bukongo, Ilangala, Murutunguru, Bukanda and Muliti within the 4 relevant Islands found in Ukerewe district Council. The direct beneficiaries of this project are children aged 10-17 years and communities (parents/care-givers, teachers, community leaders (religious and traditional), government officials such as police, law enforcers, social welfare officers, community development officers and education officers as well as other key players (CSOs/NGOs and CBOs).

Since an inception of the project August 2019, the project has managed to reached out 6477 children(2872 boys, 3605) and 28716 adults(13529 M, 15187 F) through radio sessions, stakeholder meetings and community dialogues sensitization sessions with children education support and legal aid.