Bunju Multipurpose Center (BMC)
Bunju Multipurpose Project funded by Weworld, efforts continued with its efforts of improving and strengthening the capacity of the KIWOHEDE Bunju B Multipurpose training Center, which shelters and supports children who are victims of trafficking, commercial sexual exploitation, domestic work, domestic violence, sexual violence (including rape resulting from children’s own fathers and other members of the families) and those who underwent child marriage and are young mothers.
The targeted direct beneficiaries’ age is 10-21 years (90% girls, 10% boys). In the year 2019, Bunju Center targeted out to new cases identified of 50 HDVC&Y from all parts of Dar es Salaam plus 147 students already identified in the year 2018. Out of the 147, 3 students were attending the primary public schools, 129 students are attending the Basic Open Distance Education Learning Program (ODL) and 15 students the Vocational Education and Training (VET) program at the Bunju Multipurpose Center.
In the year 2019 and 2020, the total number of targeted beneficiaries at the Center was 200 (53 newly identified and 147 already benefiting from the program). This project is funded by Weworld Tanzania and Kiota London.