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World VisionTanzania, through its AHADI-Youth Ready economic empowerment program, in collaboration with KIWOHEDE and the United Nations Association, has organized an integrated stakeholder forum. This forum brings together the private and public sectors to discuss the challenges of youth economic empowerment.

The #YouthReadyprogram is funded by a Canadian family foundation called The Barrett Family Foundation, which aims to empower 1,400 youth in Dar es Salaam, Ilala municipality. Currently, the program has reached 271 youth in just two wards, Kivule and Kipunguni. Additionally, the program will expand to ten more wards during the second phase of the project in 2024/25.

World Vision Tanzania , in collaboration with the United Nations Association (UNA) Tanzania and the Kiota Women’s Health and Development Organization (KIWOHEDE), has participated in organizing discussions for the youth in the program. These discussions include topics such as “Challenges and Expectations of Youth in Economic Empowerment” and another discussion on opportunities available in the public and private sectors.

Furthermore, this forum was launched by the Assistant Regional Administrative Secretary of Dar es Salaam, Youth Department, Mr. Masalida Njashi. We were also joined by the head of the United Nations Association, UNDP Tanzania Tanzania, Mr. Shigeki Komatsubara, who spoke to the youth and emphasized the importance of economic empowerment in areas such as business, employment, and digital skills.

Additionally, the program has invited stakeholders such as SUMA-JKT, TWCC, BRELA, CRDB, the Tanzania Confederation of Industries, VETA, Najiri, Soko Huru, TATOA, and private companies. The goal is to bring stakeholders together to discuss the opportunities available in their youth platforms and to see how Youth Ready participants can engage in other youth economic empowerment platforms.